1,236 thoughts on “Random Smite God Chooser”

  1. I just applied olympic Maxixum stain-sealer to new deck.what a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It displays every single drip,overlap,and streak.I kept heading after i realized I should have stoped,the place I cut in with brush seems fine,getting place it on fairly dry.when i started out using the sponge applicator it looked like crap rather quick.if I did 1 board in a time position would consider days

  2. The tab started with the idea that America was a place for… SELF MADE MEN…That kind of booted God out of the driver's seat now, didn't it ?Let's not forget that the U.S. started out as a form of.. promised land, a new Jerusalem for European colonists, and that it remains so in the minds of too many people.Yesterday one of my husband's patients wrote him a check, and looking for the date, mentioned that it was election day.She comes from an African country and… we are in France…Mitt Romney sucks ??How about American colonization ??

  3. C’est possible, mais à peu près tout peut faire l’objet d’un jugement d’ordre moral de la part de tenants de telle ou telle idéologie.Sauf à considérer qu’on ne peut faire de la politique que si on n’a pas d’activité à côté (et encore, politicien professionnel… Il me semble que ça appelle un jugement moral aussi), je ne pense pas qu’on puisse retenir d’autres critères que la légalité et la cohérence du propos avec les actes.

  4. What’s sad is that people who actually have the right to say that really are the vast minority. Good-blooded religion always seems to die within a century of its founders. Moral, tolerant folks have been vastly outnumbered by half-thought, mind-in-box, record-and-repeat zealots for well on two millennia now.

  5. 1- IP de USA: VPN gratis (existen muchas)2- TDC que no sea de Vzla: pasas los $$ a tu cuenta Paypal, hay un programa (no recuerdo el nombre) donde creas una TDC virtual, aunque no estoy seguro de que la acepte, en amazon si lo hace.3- Licencia: lo mas difícil pero no imposible, con alguien que viva en USA que te facilite el numero.Los puntos 2 y 3 no estoy 100% seguro pero pueden ser una solución, el 1 es una tontería que se resuelve muy fácil, es cuestión de buscarle la vuelta a lo demás. Y los venezolanos somos expertos en eso

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