Sorry for lack of posts..

I have been trying to make the most of my time lately, and sadly I have forgotten to be updating my website. My computer time has been consumed by Smite when I am not working, so join me on that thing! Join me in SMITE by signing up now! My player name is MasterOmok. Click here to get started for FREE:

A few more diamonds added!

A few more diamond cards have been added to the Random Smite God Wheel. If you have legendary or diamond skins please contact me, the only way to capture these images are when the skin is played! 11/21/14 +Added Loki Diamond Card +Added Tyr Diamond Card +Added Cupid Diamond Card +Added Anubis Diamond Card

Need More Randomness?!

The 60th Smite God has been added to the wheel, as well as some new cards. Check out the updated Smite Random God Wheel, and start your smiting! +Added Ao Kuang to wheel +Added Ao Kuang Default Card +Added Ao Kuang Tempest Card +Added Scylla Lil’ Red Card +Added Tyr Sock PuppeTyr Card +Added Tyr Convention 2015 Card +Added Sylvanus Golden Card +Added Agni Diamond Card +Added Cabrakan Diamond … Read more

Smite Random Clips!

Here are a few random Smite clips for your enjoyment! Don’t forget about the Smite Random God Wheel. I just added a few more diamond cards, and Ao Kaung will be available right as he is released! 11/17/14 +Added Vulcan Diamond Card +Added Thanatos Diamond Card

Goat Simulator.. Now it’s a “MMO” haha

So there is this Goat Simulator game.. and the video is just epic. Rag doll, goats, explosions – you need this game haha. As if that wasn’t epic enough, there is now going to be an expansion for MMO simulation. I had to buy this game just because of how ridiculous and awesome it is at the same time.. “MMO simulation so good you’ll think it’s real” haha