#ThrowbackThursday – Jahova the Sticky Stealer
It’s Thursday, so here’s a throwback for everyone: An Omok Moment #9 – Stolen Stuck. This was recorded on Monday, July 31, 2006. Sorry for no sound, just found this randomly on a backup hard drive.
It’s Thursday, so here’s a throwback for everyone: An Omok Moment #9 – Stolen Stuck. This was recorded on Monday, July 31, 2006. Sorry for no sound, just found this randomly on a backup hard drive.
I finally ordered some KontrolFreeks because I keep seeing the big Call of Duty YouTubers endorsing them. I use GelTabz, but they are not cutting it anymore. I used to run them way back in the day, found an old pair, and they keep slipping off. I am hoping that these FPS Freek Ultras work a lot better (they are taller and better quality than the GelTabz by far). … Read more
I have had my personal twitter @MasterOmok for some time, but I only allow certain people follow that. I made one for anyone who wants to be able to contact me, see when I am going to be gaming, or just have a look into my gaming mind other than the postings on here. Give @MasterOmok_com a follow Link is here: http://twitter.com/MasterOmok_com/
Well Ghosts is both fun and frustrating. I have already unlocked a six mam squad, and ran them in Squad assault a bit. It’s kind of fun doing one on one with AI. I’ve been enjoying hard core kill confirmed the most so far. I’m having a hard time getting high streaks though. I really need to get an elgato to start recording my game play though!
Well last night was the midnight release of Call of Duty: Ghosts. I drove by Game Stop where I have my reservation around 9pm and the line already wrapped around the building.. I decided to go home, play some Black Ops 2, and call it an early night (I work early morning anyways). I will be picking up my copy some time today, probably at lunch time. I did … Read more