Jack Skellington the Pumpkin King

Got to carving a pumpkin today, and did a little Jack Skellington head. I was just watching the Nightmare Before Christmas the other night, and thought it would look great on a pumpkin.. Makes me want to do some more themed from the movie, so I might have to pick up some more to carve!

Halloween Fun..

Well I have only had one costume so far this year. I went out as Hunter S Thompson for some Saturday night shenanigans. I am thinking Thursday (actual Halloween day) I will be dressing up again, but not sure what costume yet. Enjoy the picture!

Random RuneScape Moments #28 – “Halloween Event!”

(Sorry for cat bells in background, he was going crazy while I was recording my voice). Halloween event is finally here! Not sure on where the account is going to progress for now.. Grinding, is just.. grinding haha. Which I do not have time for. Checkout my cousin’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/omok2 I will be posting more often, even if it is just random clips of various games, face videos, or … Read more

Vulpine Mission Clan

I’ve been posting on the forums over at http://www.vulpinemission.com/, one thing lead to another, and I am now a member of the clan! I plan on doing mapping and some fragging time to time. There are no time requirements, so this should be fun. I will mostly be on the RX server, but they have many. Server 1 is running the following of my maps: CTF-(mo)-BioBeer-Wars, CTF-(mo)-Gushers-SF, CTF-(mo)-Room-o-Spam, CTF-(mo)-Room-That-Spams, … Read more