Motor City Comic Con

I went to my first comic con event yesterday, and it was a blast! I was at the Motor City Comic Con up in Novi Michigan. I took a few pictures from the event, but these are only a tease of the epicness! I cannot wait to go to my next comic con event, I will have to create an awesome CosPlay! Excited to go to some more events … Read more

Happy Giveaway Winners!

Well it looks like the winners of the last Smite Giveaway are happy! Stick around for more content and giveaways soon! @MasterOmok_com thank you soon much <333 this made my day — Nexio (@NCbarber11) May 9, 2015 I am thinking about trying out weekly giveaways. These could be things like Squid Grip, random game codes (full game downloads, add on content, skins, et cetera), G Fuel, or … Read more

Comments are now open-ish!

I know there are at least a few viewers that do not want to make an account to post comments.. and now you do not have to be registered! No Name or Email required! There are still spaces for you to enter your information (if you are not registered), but they are now optional. All non-registered comments, and any user that hasn’t had an approved comment will have their … Read more

Who is Extensity?

The definition of extensity is “an attribute of sensation whereby space or size is perceived” Buckle up boys and girls, I’m one of those kind of nerds. My name is Michael Fagan and I’m MasterOmok’s cousin. I’m 23 years old and I have been playing games since I was a toddler. The oldest memory I have of gaming is, when I was a child my father bought a bootleg … Read more