Kontrol Freek Ultras!

I finally ordered some KontrolFreeks because I keep seeing the big Call of Duty YouTubers endorsing them. I use GelTabz, but they are not cutting it anymore. I used to run them way back in the day, found an old pair, and they keep slipping off. I am hoping that these FPS Freek Ultras work a lot better (they are taller and better quality than the GelTabz by far). … Read more

Official Public Twitter for Me!

I have had my personal twitter @MasterOmok for some time, but I only allow certain people follow that. I made one for anyone who wants to be able to contact me, see when I am going to be gaming, or just have a look into my gaming mind other than the postings on here. Give @MasterOmok_com a follow Link is here: http://twitter.com/MasterOmok_com/

Jack Skellington the Pumpkin King

Got to carving a pumpkin today, and did a little Jack Skellington head. I was just watching the Nightmare Before Christmas the other night, and thought it would look great on a pumpkin.. Makes me want to do some more themed from the movie, so I might have to pick up some more to carve!

Halloween Fun..

Well I have only had one costume so far this year. I went out as Hunter S Thompson for some Saturday night shenanigans. I am thinking Thursday (actual Halloween day) I will be dressing up again, but not sure what costume yet. Enjoy the picture!

UT99 Maps coming soon.. But SMILE!

I have been rather busy and haven’t been able to get the maps compiled into archives yet. I wanted to make sure that I have all the required pieces included, and also wanting to have little notes and details on the maps. I even have thought about doing a YouTube walk through on some of the more popular maps to highlight features. Since I haven’t even played any UT … Read more