Halo Freaking Infinite!!

Soooo, Halo Infinite came out on the 20th anniversary of Halo. I have been squeezing in games as I can, and it is super fun. It plays like a modern shooter with the perfect balance of the classic Halo feel. I have been very happy with the games so far! I also am loving how I am seeing all the Halo 2 day players back on Xbox Live playing … Read more

Uhh, Where Did August Go?!

So August kind of went poof for me.. I totally failed to post my monthly blog (how did that happen?!).. Anyways, we are already at September 19th (wow).. Sooooo, on with the post.. I finally posted more of my CGC graded cards on my eBay! Feel free to make offers on these, but they are free shipping! There are various Wizards of the Coast cards in there. Pikachu, Eevee, … Read more

Freaking Addicted! Plus Poké-TCG Things

So Pokémon Unite came out on July 21st, and I am so addicted. I have been trying to squeeze in matches anywhere I can. We even have a group of people from the local Pokémon Go community playing as a group. I am a fan of both MOBAs and Pokémon – so this is a sweet combo. Sadly there is a P2W (pay to win) piece with the item … Read more

New God, CGC Return, and eBay Soon!

First off – did I actually get a god put on the wheel… EARLY!? Yeeeep.. Morgan Le Fay is now on the Random Smite App! As I am typing this I am actually working on the other updates. I have been failing on making time for this project, but like I’ve said before – lots of big changes coming. Next on the list – I got my first CGC … Read more

Gilgamesh Is Ready!

Quick little update on the Random God App.. Gilgamesh is already available for your lists! You can add the King of Uruk whenever this god gets released. The item update is part of a bigger overhaul, so it will need to be released on its own. Hopefully I can get some more time set aside to work on this soon (lots going on lately, so not much time to … Read more