Random RuneScape Moments #4 – “Got to Risk It!”

The fourth episode of Random RuneScape Moments is now uploaded. This episode is about risking, and getting those loots from all the hungry pkers out there. Hope you enjoy this, I already have the next one ready as well – so that will be out soon. If you want to see anything in particular, like higher risks, certain challenges, or anything you can think up. Just let me know … Read more

Random Runscape Moments #1 – “Seriously?” / “Kicked-Out”

Well since my Xbox is currently needing repaired or replaced I have been playing more RuneScape in my free time. I realize that RuneScape may seem like an old game (I started back in the early 2000’s), but it is a game you can never quit. You just stop playing for awhile and always end up back at some point. Anyways, I have started to record my gameplay. I … Read more

Red Ring of Death.. Ugh

Well looks like I won’t be on the Xbox for a bit. My Xbox died in the middle of a MW3 match. Screen just went off, no sound, turned it back on and RROD.. Not a happy guy, but I will most likely get the Elite so I can have HDMI. Looks like I’ll have to play RuneScape in my free time haha.