Random RuneScape Moments #19 – “Chopped ‘n Fished!’
Progression video fools! Have something specific you’d like to see in the next installment? Post below!
Progression video fools! Have something specific you’d like to see in the next installment? Post below!
Random RuneScape Moments return! These will only be on the 07Scape (Old School RuneScape servers). Stay tuned as I progress into a pure, and maybe more!
The last few pre-EoC clips from I Am Omok. I will be uploading an episode of MasterOmok vs Holy Wars some time today as well. Hopefully the EoC doesn’t just end RuneScape, but at the same time it is cutting into my Halo 4 playing haha. Enjoy this episode, and check back for the other later!
This is probably the end of “I Am Omok” as I cannot use any of his equipment without a decent bit of leveling. I also am not sure how much RuneScape will be played since I am trying to get back into the Halo grind. Check out some of the last K/O’s from my account, I may do a few more since it is the last time I will … Read more
Well my Xbox 360 and Halo 4 should be here any moment today. It has been roaming around on the UPS truck, and I cannot wait for it to come in! Here is a little Random RuneScape Moments for you though, some quick information, and a few kills from last night. I hope you enjoy, and get ready for Halo 4 content very soon!