Words and Stuff!

I am going to try and update my site more with various random stuff. Lots of things are going on these days with my Random Smite God app, my brewery Bru-Tang Brewing, life items, and a bit of gaming (very small bit). The Random Smite God app just got released with version 1.0.10. We heard you like random, so there are now random item builds after you get a … Read more

Discord, Black Ops 4, Smite, and Clash of Clans!

Join in on the MasterOmok.com Discord discussions. We are trying to grow the community and have some more active people. We will be adding more channels and bots as we grow. Plus the more people we have talking the more Pokemon will spawn with Pokecord! Gaming things have been slow, but are more than zero now! Although I am terrible (well just not pro level like the old days) … Read more

Beta of Random God Wheel Live (ish)

Besides fighting some hosting issues, we now have the Random Smite God Wheel webapp beta live (ish)! Right now I have it setup in the “free hosting” tier so it will possibly go down if daily quotas are exceeded. Until the bugs are worked out (and a way to recoup some costs is implemented) then it will be in this “might be live, or might be down” state. Note … Read more

Gaming Updates, Beta, and Discord Info!

Gaming updates: I’ve been playing lots of Pokemon GO lately. I love how this games helps me stay active. We have a growing local community (PoGo Findlay) doing a bunch of cool stuff too. Having the generation 4 mons start to drop has made the game even more exciting. I have played a smidgen of Black Ops 4 on my Xbox here are there (mainly nights after baby is … Read more

Wheel Update and Private Beta for WebApp

Time seems to disappear quickly! For now, I’ve added Hera to the Random Smite God Wheel. +Added Hera to wheel +Added Hera Default Card +Added Hera Golden Card +Added Hera Crimson Queen Card But there’s big news! I’ve been dedicating some real hours to the Random Smite God Wheel WebApp version! I’m wrapping up some final fit and finish on the UI, but most of the features are in … Read more