Call of Duty Black Ops 4?!

So I’ve been watching my buddy Jahova stream the PS4 beta of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and I had to get in on the action! I pre-ordered the Xbox One version so I can get in on the beta (which starts today for us Xboxers). I haven’t played non-mobile games in SO long. I have a feeling I am going to be all sorts of terrible. Should … Read more

New Theme With Less Meh

I decided to work up a brand new theme for the site. It is still being modified, but it is already live! I tried to keep it close to my past few theme’s looks while being better on load times. The last theme had A LOT of bulk that was being loaded for no reason. I now have a minimal theme for a base that I’ve tweaked to my … Read more

Smite Wheel Update and a Discord Channel!

I have finally had some time to work on the new webapp version of the Smite wheel! Not exactly sure when I will start to let people use that, but keep your eyes on the blog posts, on my twitter, or even the new Discord (more details on the discord in this post). I have more time this week that I will be pumping into that code. I am … Read more

Words, Pele to Wheel, and SSDD…

I’ve been hardcore doing the Pokemon Go thing as much as I can. We try to do walks at lunch, and then after my work day. It makes for some good exercise, and I love catching those digital mons. Still no time for real games, but maybe I can make some time. Not even sure if I should stick to computer or Xbox things, but until there’s free time … Read more

Words and Wheel Things

Where does the time go? I have not been up to much more than work, brewing beer, and being a dad. My gaming is still just mobile for now. My wife, baby, and sometimes the doggo go on daily walks for exercise and Pokemon Go. During baby feedings I squeeze in some Clash of Clans and Clash Royale matches. There is just not much time to get the real … Read more