Tiamat – Goddess of the Salt Sea

The new god Tiamat is now on the Random God Wheel.. Don’t be too salty, but I’m beyond slacking on these item updates. It’s a lot of foot work to completely fix these up haha! However, I did get in a Smite match the other night and that was fun. I need to make some time to actually get some matches in (or just time to do things in … Read more

Pokémon Cards go Brr

Well the Pokémon cards are about to go crazy with this Logan Paul stuff.. Dropping 2 million on some shiny cardboard (wish I could do that haha). I am still trying to limit how I open my cards (to just three a video) so that I don’t run out. Apparently in my town there are a lot of hardcore collectors (or scalpers maybe), and they buy everything the moment … Read more

Smite Season 8 and More Mons!

Smite just had the Season 8 update. This changed up a lot of the items (and these were already getting a bit out dated), so I will have to completely re-do these items in the Random God App. I will keep poking the wiki to see if they have all the items updated so I can quickly get these entered into the database. Keep a look out for that … Read more

Gotta Catch Em All!

I’ve been loving opening all these Pokémon cards again. Cracking into a pack and getting a fire pull is always a lot of fun. With all the packs I’ve opened I have surprisingly not got a lot of bulk (yet). My daughter has been loving the cards too. I have given her a stack of cards (that were not in the best condition, or from the modern bulk) so … Read more