Where to Begin?!

Sorry about being missing in action lately.. SO MUCH has been going on, and I have not been able to make time for all these “extra” items on my plate. My priority list has been family, contract work, and various “must do” items. Preparing to open Bru-Tang Brewing has also ate up a lot of time with researching various items and getting things ready. PoGo Findlay has also taken … Read more


Sorry for lack of posting. My schedule has been complete chaos for a few months there, but hoping for things to be more “normal” now! I’ve been finding some time to work on the Random Smite God app. We are now on version 1.0.14. I accepted quite a bit more people into the private beta to help figure out some server impact of use. I am working on getting … Read more

Private Beta Closed, Open Beta Soon!

I am going to end sign ups for the private beta… now.. So if you don’t already have an account you will have to wait until next year (as in next week some time haha). I will then be opening up the public beta. I will be replacing the old wheel at that time. I will still keep the old wheel somewhere though! If there are any other type … Read more

New Contract, Wheel Things, and More!

So I have started up a new contract, and my hours available for the Random God Smite app have gone way down.. I still am working on the final mobile display issues, random relics, and some other features. Once these final pieces are locked down, then I will open registration to the public! This change will roll us into the Public Beta phase (which will still be web only … Read more